Helping people gain better

control of their health


Managing Diabetes this Holiday Season

Posted on December 13, 2022

The holiday season is in full swing, which means there are a lot of food-filled festivities coming up! Navigating parties, meals, and much anticipated holiday sweet treats can be a challenge, especially if you are managing diabetes. The increased temptations and busy schedules make it difficult to stay mindful of your diabetes management, but we’re here to help. 

Here are some tips for managing diabetes this holiday season:

Plan Ahead

During the holidays it’s not always possible to know exactly what food options you’ll have at your next gathering, but you can still take a few minutes to ensure you’ve got a plan. Eat close to your normal times and don’t skip meals to keep your blood sugar levels stable. If you’ll be going somewhere that will require you to eat outside of your regular mealtime, prepare a snack. And if you’ll be attending a gathering, offer to bring along a healthy dish for everyone to share. 

Stay on Top of your Blood Sugar

Your normal schedule and routines will often be disrupted during the holidays. As you are likely to consume an increase of carbohydrates, check your blood sugar more frequently and make changes to your routine and diet as needed.

Remain Active

You might be feeling tired after a big meal and family gathering, but it’s important to make physical activity a top priority. Will you be spending some extra time with family and friends this holiday season? Ask them if they’d like to join you for a walk! 

Don’t Forget your Favorite Holiday Treats

The holidays come around once a year, and you don’t want to miss out on your family member’s famous pie recipe! Make sure you track your treats in your meal plan and consume them in moderation.

Talk with a NextStepMD Health and Wellness Coach

We can help you decrease your stress about diabetes management this holiday season! Our NextStepMD Weight Loss Program is designed to help you lose weight, maintain weight loss, and gain better control of your health. In our one-on-one sessions, we work closely with our patients to recommend the methods that offer the greatest opportunities of success. We’ll educate, motivate and support you throughout this holiday season!

Despite the challenges brought during the holiday season, with a little planning, you’ll be able to stay on track with your diabetes management and enjoy all the celebrations. Our team here at Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season!

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information. 

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