diabetes complications
Decreasing Your Risk for Diabetes Complications 

The CDC estimates that more than 29 million American adults are currently living with diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects how your body makes and processes glucose, or blood sugar. While it is possible to lead a very full and active life with diabetes if your diet and medications/insulin are carefully managed, there is still the potential for serious complications to occur. 

What are some common diabetes complications? 

Diabetes complications usually develop gradually over time with the disease. It is important to monitor your blood glucose levels vigilantly and stay on track regarding regular check-ups with your endocrinologist.

Some of the most common diabetes complications that our endocrinology experts see include: 

  • Heart disease: diabetics are twice as more likely to suffer from heart disease and stroke than others due to damaged blood vessels and nerves surrounding the heart 
  • Kidney disease: elevated blood sugar levels over time can lead to chronic kidney disease, the need for dialysis, and even kidney failure 
  • Blindness and eye issues: diabetes can also damage blood vessels in the eye/retina (diabetic retinopathy) 
  • Neuropathy: diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage, is pain or numbness that stems from blood vessels and nerves (typically in the legs and feet) lacking sufficient oxygen or nutrients hijacked by high blood sugar 
  • Non-healing foot and leg ulcers: sores and infections that appear on the legs or feet due to poor circulation and elevated glucose levels can be hard to treat and may lead to amputation in extreme cases

If you notice signs or symptoms of any of these diabetes complications, speak with your endocrinologist right away about solutions to treat and manage them effectively. 

Decreasing Your Risk for Diabetes Complications

Along with keeping regularly scheduled appointments with your physician, and taking medications/insulin as instructed, here are five other ways to help prevent from developing severe diabetes complications: 

1.         Follow a healthy diet of lean proteins, brightly colored fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. 

2.         Exercise regularly and aim for at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week. 

3.         Maintain a healthy weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) and speak to your doctor about what that optimal weight should be. 

4.         Manage your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and make sure they are within healthy and normal ranges. 

5.         Stop smoking to avoid additional damage to your heart and lungs beyond what high blood sugar levels may already contribute. 

With proper management, and prompt attention to any symptoms you are experiencing, you can keep your diabetes complications to a minimum.

Contact Us to Help Manage your Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Thyroid Conditions 

If you’d like to schedule an appointment with one of our endocrinology specialists in Austin or Round Rock please contact us at (512) 458-8400 or request an appointment online.  

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

diabetes clinical research
Clinical Research Trials at Texas Diabetes

At Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology, we are dedicated to advancing medical therapies through rigorous clinical research trials. Our research department aims to test new and promising treatments before they become widely available, providing a vital service to both the medical community and our patients. 

What are clinical research trials? 

Clinical research works to advance medical or device therapies by testing new and potential treatments before they are available to the public. 

At TD&E, we offer many clinical research trials for patients to participate in if interested. 

Our research goals at TD&E are to (1) help with the advancement of new therapies and devices, and (2) to improve a patient’s quality of life by offering new and alternative therapies to which they might not otherwise have access. 

Here’s what you should know about voluntary participation in clinical research trials we offer at TD&E Research.  

What is the benefit to the patient for participating in clinical research trials? 

Clinical trials give patients an opportunity to help with the advancement of medications, devices, and innovative ways to treat different conditions and diseases. Participation in a clinical research trial also affords patients a unique opportunity to learn more about their condition and take an active role in their health. 

Are all patients eligible to participate in TD&E clinical research trials? 

Patients must first meet specific inclusion criteria to participate in a clinical trial. 

What are the additional requirements for participating in a trial? 

Clinical research trials often require additional procedures beyond what is included in your regular care such as more lab work (blood and urine samples), ECGs, questionnaires, dietician consultations, and visits with our clinical research team. Patients will be asked to keep in close contact with our office if they experience any medical or health issues associated with their new trial treatment.

How much time do research visits typically take?

Research visits can take approximately one to three hours depending on the type of visit and requirements needed for the study. 

How long do research trials usually last?

The time period for clinical trials varies, but they can last anywhere from a singular, one-time visit up to five years depending on the data needed. 

Is there a cost associated with participating in a clinical research trial at TD&E?

There is no cost to our patients for their participation, and most studies will compensate for the time and travel for completing required visits and procedures. 

Clinical Trials at Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology Research

You can learn more about our research department and currently enrolling clinical trials here. Please feel free to contact us at (512) 334-3505, option 4 to speak to a recruiter about our enrolling studies.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

menopause and diabetes
What should you know about menopause and diabetes?

There’s no doubt that cases of diabetes are on the rise. In fact, experts predict that by the year 2050, one in every three adults in the United States could suffer from this chronic disease that disrupts hormones, affects how the body reacts to food and sugars (glucose), and can lead to obesity, heart disease and stroke if not managed properly.  

At Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology (TD&E), our board-certified endocrinology experts treat diabetes, along with other endocrinology disorders like osteoporosis, every day. 

One group in particular that is experiencing an uptick in diabetes diagnoses is menopausal women.  During menopause, estrogen levels decrease (because of diminishing ovarian reserves) which can cause weight gain leading to potential insulin resistance and difficulty metabolizing glucose. 

New research now shows that Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) is one of the most common health risks associated with postmenopausal women (up to age 55 years). 

This particular study evaluated 2,295 postmenopausal women and surveyed them and their propensity towards diabetes via blood tests, physical exams and measurements, and in-person interviews. 

Here’s what was found:

  • Lower levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are key factors in contributing to more cases of T2D in women over the age of 40
  • The prevalence of T2D increased in women with a greater BMI (Body Mass Index) and also elevated cholesterol levels 
  • Mood swings and hot flashes associated with menopause can cause poor sleep which is also a contributing factor to obesity, and therefore diabetes 

One of the most important things women can do to prevent diabetes brought on by menopause is to get screened.

“In support of recommendations by the American Diabetes Association, we suggest getting tested for diabetes every three years after the age of 45 if you are overweight or have a family history of the disease,”  says TD&E board-certified endocrinologist and diabetes expert Dr.  Jean Chen.

“Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle including eating a well-balanced, low fat and low cholesterol diet, and exercising regularly incorporating weight-bearing workouts can go a long way in helping to prevent diabetes as women approach menopause and this transitional phase in life.”

Diabetes Treatment for Women in Menopause 

Hormone Therapy (HT), or hormone replacement therapy and estrogen supplements, is the standard treatment for women experiencing severe menopausal symptoms. HT can help balance and regulate hormones which are depleted and improve symptoms like hot flashes, help with insulin function, and decrease the potential for developing diabetes. 

HT has also been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis (weakened bones), another common condition as women reach menopause. 

At TD&E, we offer individualized treatment plans to help effectively manage your diabetes through tools like weight management and insulin pumps.  We also provide extensive treatment options for osteoporosis and fracture prevention.  

Contact Us to Help Manage your Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Thyroid Conditions 

If you’d like to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists at Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology and discover how our diabetes services  and other endocrinology therapies can help you lead a full and active life, please contact us at (512) 458-8400 or request an appointment online.  

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
T2D and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Diabetes is a serious condition that not only causes hormonal and blood sugar imbalances, but can also damage nerves, blood vessels and other organs. Common side effects of diabetes include poor circulation, non-healing foot and leg ulcers, vision loss, kidney damage and liver disease.  

At Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology (TD&E), our board-certified endocrinology experts treat diabetes and help with the many other issues that coincide with it, like Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD). 

Here’s what you should know about the liver and diabetes related NAFLD…

The liver performs many functions including helping to regulate blood sugar levels, making vital proteins, and filtering toxins and chemicals from your blood. The liver can be damaged by alcohol, hepatitis, autoimmune diseases but much more commonly from fat accumulation which is called NAFLD.  

NAFLD can lead to serious complications such as liver cirrhosis, or scarring that could cause potential liver failure. 

Research shows that up to 70% of those living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) also have NAFLD. 

How is NAFLD diagnosed?

NAFLD is usually asymptomatic.  There are blood tests that can suggest the diagnosis but the best non-invasive test isa dedicated screening called FibroScan.  

TD&E is one of the only endocrinology clinics in Austin to offer this innovative diagnostic test to closely examine the liver. FibroScan uses ultrasound imaging to assess liver tissue and can quantify fat accumulation and the degree of liver damage., 

If you have T2D and abnormal liver labs or other risk factors such as obesity or high cholesterol your endocrinologist may suggest a FibroScan to assess your liver health. 

How do you treat NAFLD? 

While there currently is no cure for NAFLD, the same healthy lifestyle changes recommended to help manage diabetes can also help to slow, or even reverse, liver damage and decrease fatty buildup, including:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight, or losing weight if overweight or obese
  • Eating a well-balanced diet to lower high cholesterol levels 
  • Staying physically active and aiming for at least 150 minutes of exercise per week
  • Controlling your diabetes and blood glucose levels as directed by your endocrinologist
  • Avoiding alcohol or consuming in moderation

If you are living with T2D and have other risk factors for NAFLD, speak with your physician about getting screened. 

Contact Us to Help Manage your Diabetes, Osteoporosis and Thyroid Conditions 

If you’d like to schedule an appointment with one of our specialists at Texas Diabetes & Endocrinology and discover how our diabetes services  and other endocrinology therapies can help you lead a full and active life, please contact us at (512) 458-8400 or request an appointment online.  

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

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