type 2 diabetes awareness
New research shows Type 2 diabetes affects how long you live 

More than 37 million US adults have diabetes, and Texas has a higher rate of residents living with the condition (11.1 percent) when compared to the national average of 8.5 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In honor of Diabetes Awareness Month, we are sharing the latest diabetes research and offering solutions for patients at risk for and living with Type 2 diabetes.

New research shows those diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are expected to live six years less than those who don’t live with diabetes. For those diagnosed under the age of 30, their life expectancy is reduced by 14 years, according to recent studies released by Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology.

Similar findings are reported out of two additional sources, the Emerging Risk Factors Collaboration and the UK Biobank, citing every decade earlier that Type 2 diabetes was diagnosed, life expectancy was reduced by three to four years.

This alarming information emerges at the same time the CDC is reporting the number of diagnoses of young people is on the rise, and the agency projects that rate will only continue to increase in the future.

Type 2 Diabetes Risk Factors and Prevention

Endocrinologist Kajal Shah, M.D. says it’s important to be aware of the risk factors for developing Type 2 diabetes, including:

  • Obesity
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Family history
  • Being of minority origin
  • Prediabetes
  • High blood pressure and cholesterol

“Early intervention and treatment of diabetes can be the answer,” Dr. Shah says. “We’ve seen patients have success with intensive glucose therapy and simple lifestyle changes.”

Dr. Shah encourages anyone with these risk factors to work closely with their doctor to develop a plan to prevent or effectively manage the disease.

To prevent diabetes, our team of endocrinologists recommend the following healthy habits: 

  • Maintain a healthy weight 
  • Stay active
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Quit smoking
  • Control blood pressure

At Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology, our team of board certified endocrinologists, certified diabetes educators, and health coaches are focused on your health. We offer a personalized approach and a full range of diabetes services including a medically managed NextStepMD weight loss program, medications, clinical trials, continuous glucose monitoring, and insulin pumps. 

For more information on a personalized approach to diabetes management, schedule a consultation with one of our board certified endocrinologists by requesting an appointment online or call 512-458-8400.

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you with helpful health and wellness information. 

managing diabetes during the holidays
Diabetes and Holiday Eating: Tips to Stay on Track

The holiday season, and its festive foods, are often the highlight of the year for many people. For those with diabetes though, it can be extra challenging. 

Research from the American Heart Association and American Diabetes Association shows that half of those who have Type 2 diabetes feel that managing it during the holidays is more stressful than any other time of year. 

At Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology, our team of board-certified endocrinologists are dedicated to helping our patients learn best practices for managing their diabetes and gain better control of their health, even during the holidays.

Our diabetes experts recommend planning ahead to help your glucose levels stay at a healthy level during the upcoming holiday season.

How can I manage my diabetes during the holidays? 

1.         Always eat a smart breakfast. Then make a calculated plan to balance your food intake for the rest of the day ahead, and plan accordingly if you will be eating at later times than usual to prevent low sugar episodes.

2.         Get a workout in during the morning and take a walk at night. A workout earlier in the day will help to boost circulation and improve insulin sensitivity, allowing for easier management in the hours to follow. A nighttime walk at the end of the day after a big meal will also help to ease digestion. 

3.         Track your carbohydrate intake. There are many handy and helpful charts and trackers to help you gauge exactly what your carb intake is according to what foods you eat for each holiday, such as ThanksgivingHanukkah, and Christmas (courtesy of the JDRF). Find one that you like and stick to it for the next few months. 

4.         Know what you are eating. Don’t be afraid to ask your relative, host, or restaurant what ingredients (such as sugar, butter and cream) are in the foods you are eating, and how much! This knowledge can help you adjust your portions, or avoid some dishes, accordingly. Or, offer to bring your own low-carb, low-sugar version of something that will be served to share with others. 

5.         Consume alcohol in moderation and watch out for sugary mixers. Festive holiday cocktails are often loaded with sugary mixers such as juices and syrups.  Avoid drinking on an empty stomach as this can also cause your blood sugar to drop, and always drink responsibly.

6.         Test your glucose levels often. Keep as close to your regular testing schedule as possible, and anticipate potential blood sugar spikes and have a plan for when they occur. 

Bring plenty of stabilizing snacks along and your insulin and other medications if traveling. You never know when travel delays may occur, and you’ll want to be prepared. 

All that said, don’t forget to enjoy the holidays and those special festive treats when you can, and know that with a little planning and willpower you are able to get back on track with the next day and the next meal. 

Contact Us Today to Learn More about Managing Your Diabetes

If you’d like to schedule an appointment with Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology and discover how our diabetes treatment services can help you, contact us at (512) 458-8400 or request an appointment online.  

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

nder affirming hormone therapy
Texas Diabetes Offers Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology’s team of board-certified endocrinology experts treat common endocrinology issues which are closely associated with the body’s hormonal system. 

One of the services we offer patients is gender affirming hormone therapy. In this blog, Dr. Valerie Espinosa explains everything you need to know about the gender affirming hormone therapy we offer in Austin, TX. 

What is gender affirming hormone therapy? 

This form of treatment is used in transgender and non-binary patients in order to help better align the body with a person’s gender identity, whether it be feminizing or masculinizing therapy. 

Feminizing therapy is mainly achieved with the administration of the hormone estradiol in transgender women and non-binary individuals. 

While estradiol is the mainstay of treatment, other medications may sometimes be

added (such as progestins and anti-androgens). Treatment with these medications induces several physical changes that are more consistent with a feminine appearance. These changes


  • Breast development
  • Less facial and body hair
  • Softer skin
  • More body fat and a decline in muscle mass
  • Smaller testicles
  • Lower libido and fewer erections

Masculinizing therapy which uses testosterone in transgender men and non-binary individuals will also bring about several physical changes which include:

  • Cessation of the menstrual cycle
  • Deepening of the voice
  • Growth of facial and body hair
  • Clitoral enlargement
  • Increase in strength and muscle mass

How long does it take to see changes with gender affirming hormone therapy?

Changes generally start to occur within a few months, but full effects may not become apparent

until two to five years after starting hormone therapy.

What are the possible risks and side effects? 

Gender affirming hormone therapy does not come without serious risks/side effects. 

Estrogen-related side effects are: 

  • Blood clots
  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated prolactin
  • Weight gain
  • Hypertension
  • Potential for stroke
  • Mood changes, anxiety or depression 

Testosterone-related side effects are:  

  • Weight gain
  • Acne
  • Male pattern baldness
  • Higher cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Sleep apnea
  • High red blood cell counts
  • Blood clots

Both hormones will cause the transgender individual to develop infertility, which may or may

not be permanent.

What is the process to begin gender affirming hormone therapy?

Prior to starting therapy, we require a physician referral. Then, we will provide patient education including the risks and benefits of treatment to ensure that you are well informed enough to consent to treatment. Following this initial step, you will:

1.         Undergo a complete medical evaluation, including physical exam and laboratory diagnostics, to determine any treatment risks.

2.         Learn about and discuss options for fertility preservation. 

3.         Seek a mental health evaluation in order to confirm a gender dysphoria diagnosis and to rule out any co-existing mental health issues.

Once you have begun your hormone therapy, you will visit with our providers on a regular basis so that we can track your response to treatment and check for any signs of complications. 

We are ready to facilitate your journey through this process.

If you’d like to learn more about our gender affirming hormone therapy services, please call Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology at (512) 458-8400 or request an appointment online.  

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

weight and insulin resistance
Weight and Insulin Resistance Connection

Insulin resistance is a common condition that is linked with weight gain in many individuals. When our bodies become resistant to insulin, it can result in higher levels of glucose in the blood, and cause the body to store energy rather than burn fat.

Texas Diabetes and Endocrinology Advanced Practice Provider Brandy Wellmon, PA-C shares her knowledge about insulin resistance for The Checkup. Wellmon explains, “People that naturally gain weight in their belly are more prone to insulin resistance.”

Wellmon recommends developing a weight loss plan and committing to it in order to see results.

​​“If you set your expectations to attainable goals, then the first and most important thing to remember is you should stick with your lifestyle improvements for at least three months before you should expect to see a significant amount of weight loss.”

Read the article for tips to lose weight with insulin resistance.

For more information on our personalized approach to weight management, schedule a consultation with one of our board certified endocrinologists by requesting an appointment online or call (512) 458-8400. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you with helpful wellness and health information.

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