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Tips to Keep your ‘Eat Better’ New Year’s Resolution

Posted on January 31, 2023

As we get further into 2023, it can become increasingly difficult to stick with the New Year’s resolutions you made. Priorities constantly shift to keep up with busy schedules and new commitments, and – despite your best intentions – the goals you made can quickly be forgotten.

If ‘eat better’ was on your list of New Year’s resolutions, we’re here to not only help you achieve that goal but also make it an ongoing habit. Here are some tips to help you eat better throughout the year.

Approach your Resolution as a Lifestyle Change

Think of your resolution to eat better as a lifestyle change, not just a box on a list of goals to check off. To help you eat better more consistently, consider making little changes at first. For example, try to add a fruit a day into your meal plan. Then, gradually add more fruits and vegetables while eliminating processed foods. Dr. Keta Pandit recently shared her expertise on healthy weight management with Medical News Today. She says, “lifestyle habits, such as increased exercise and eating a well-balanced meal high in protein and fiber, are crucial to maintaining weight loss.” While taking steps to eat better, she recommends thinking about the larger health picture rather than a temporary life obstacle. Envisioning an achievable and realistic goal in a set amount of time is an important exercise to build a change in lifestyle because it allows people to focus on the goal with a purpose. Making some small changes by building small habits to achieve this goal is how most people can make successful changes. It also helps to find a system to track those habits in order to build a lifestyle change that is sustainable.

Make a Realistic Plan

Changing your diet can be an overwhelming process and it likely won’t happen overnight. When you can, set smaller goals for yourself throughout each week to ensure you’re moving at a pace that you can maintain. If eating better is part of a larger goal to lose weight, consider joining a program to help build a realistic plan that fits your needs. Our NextStepMD Weight Loss Program is designed to help you lose weight, maintain weight loss, and gain better control of your health. We offer one-on-one sessions and work closely with our patients to recommend the methods that offer the greatest opportunities of success. We’ll educate, motivate and support you through your weight loss journey, which includes establishing new eating habits.

Remember that Setbacks are Temporary 

With any lifestyle change, there are going to be days when you fall off course and don’t meet your goal. When this happens, the key is to remember that these setbacks don’t have to be permanent. Don’t give up – each day is a new opportunity to make any needed adjustments, move forward, and take a step closer to your goals!

Schedule a Free Health Coach Consultation 

Our knowledgeable health coaches are dedicated to helping you start your journey to a healthier, more energetic lifestyle. Contact us today to learn more about how our one-on-one coaching session can support you and your long-term goals. 

Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and check back with us each month as we provide you helpful wellness and health information.

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